In one of my year’s favorite games, Unicorn Overlord, there is a side quest-line of Treasure Hunting. The thing is, if you were to look at just the achievements list, or a lot of places that cover the specifics online, you’d be lead to believe that there are 25 total maps to find (5 for each of the regions of the game).

Not only is that not true; there is actually a total of 30 maps (6 for each region), there is also a specific order in being able to find all 5th and 6th maps for a region. I was able to find the pattern through trial and error and a WHOLE lot of repetitive and wasted time mining.

Now, before going to the next section, please note that this guide does not cover the exact locations of the treasure, but instead a guide on how to open up and obtain the treasure maps that allow the acquisition of the treasures.

  1. Maps 1-4 For Each Region
  2. 5th Map For Each Region
  3. (Secret) 6th Map For Each Region

Maps 1-4 For Each Region

It is important to note that you can only find 1 map per mine attempt, and you do not find one every mine attempt. What this means is that it will take a Minimum of 4 attempts per region to get the initial 4 maps, and can sometimes take a heck of a lot more. See below for the locations for these first 4 maps:


The four initial maps can be found at the Cornia Quarry.


The four initial maps can be found at the Drakenhold Quarry.


The four initial maps can be found at the Elheim Quarry.


The four initial maps can be found at the Bastorias Quarry.


Yes.. I 100%’d this game in less than a week.

The four initial maps can be found at the Albion Quarry.

5th Map For Each Region

Here is where it get’s interesting. Every region has the same requirements for the 5th map of the region but it MUST be done prior to being able to find the 5th map in a mining attempt.

Cornia: You must find the first 4 maps of this region, and also find the actual treasure they lead to before the 5th map is available for finding at the Cornia Quarry.

Drakenhold: You must find the first 4 maps of this region, and also find the actual treasure they lead to before the 5th map is available for finding at the Drakenhold Quarry.

Elheim: You must find the first 4 maps of this region, and also find the actual treasure they lead to before the 5th map is available for finding at the Elheim Quarry.

Bastorias: You must find the first 4 maps of this region, and also find the actual treasure they lead to before the 5th map is available for finding at the Bastorias Quarry.

Albion: You must find the first 4 maps of this region, and also find the actual treasure they lead to before the 5th map is available for finding at the Albion Quarry.

(Secret) 6th Map For Each Region

Yup, that’s right. There is a 6th secret treasure map for each region and if you didn’t know about it already, it might have missed you. That’s because there’s a specific way to get these and there’s no achievement to get if you find the remaining 5 maps, nor would it stop your “100%” completion status.

Cornia: You must complete ALL other 25 maps and quests prior to being able to find this one. You will then be able to mine it at the Albion Quarry, and it will be the 1st one you mine.

Drakenhold: You must complete ALL other 25 maps and quests prior to being able to find this one. You will then be able to mine it at the Albion Quarry, and it will be the 2nd one you mine.

Elheim: You must complete ALL other 25 maps and quests prior to being able to find this one. You will then be able to mine it at the Albion Quarry, and it will be the 3rd one you mine.

Bastorias: You must complete ALL other 25 maps and quests prior to being able to find this one. You will then be able to mine it at the Albion Quarry, and it will be the 4th one you mine.

Albion: You must complete ALL other 25 maps and quests prior to being able to find this one. You will then be able to mine it at the Albion Quarry, and it will be the 5th one you mine.

And there you have it, you can now find all of the treasures, and powerful weapons that come with the secret 6th maps.

If you enjoyed this or it helped you out, please make sure to stay updated as my review of the game will be coming out soon, as well as more guides into secrets of the game that I rarely (or not at all) see anyone online covering.

This is definitely a game that should be supported a lot more than it is, and I hope they can have some sort of sequel in the future!

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